On Arrival
Members and guests to the Lodge are to make themselves known to the nominated Weekly Club Captain (i.e. Duty Officer) on arrival to the lodge.
Sleeping arrangements are posted on the noticeboard at the base of the stairs leading to the ski room. Please adhere STRICTLY to these requirements as some guests may come and go during the week. Only the Booking Clerk will know of any last-minute bookings and room availability. The Weekly Club Captain should report any discrepancies in bookings or guest names to Jenny Marchant on 02 8850 4737.
Waste and recycling
Members and Guests are to deposit recyclables (cans, bottles etc) in the receptacle in the left-hand side cupboard under the sink. These items should be stored in a clear plastic bag. When the bag is full, it must be secured with a zip tie and placed in the garbage collection compartment (located at the front righthand corner of the lodge). There is also a dedicated box for Paper and Cardboard next to the fridge on the right-hand side of the kitchen.
General waste should be placed in the green or black garbage bags (also located under the sink). These are for non-recyclable waste only.
Compost waste should be placed in the designated bin (also located under the sink) and changed as required.
Garbage collection usually takes place on Mondays and Thursdays, this task can and should be shared around.
Directions for waste disposal from NPWS are located on the kitchen wall above the bin storage area.
It is each person’s responsibility to keep their nominated room tidy and a THOROUGH CLEANING must be done before vacating the Lodge. Mops, vacuums, buckets, cleaning chemicals etc are kept in the storeroom.
Cleaning of the living areas and kitchen is a community effort and should ideally be completed on Friday evening or early Saturday morning. This task is to be shared amongst the lodge occupants.
The dishwasher must be cleaned and rinsed each week – instructions for mid-week and end of week cleaning are on the wall above the dishwasher.
There are ample stocks of consumable supplies in the storeroom. Each room should be restocked by the departing guests.
Used Tea Towels must be washed and dried each Friday evening.
Weekly Club Captains should advise the Committee in writing of any problems encountered.
Access and egress
Stairs to the front access door need to be “dug out” daily, this activity is a group effort - especially when snow falls are encountered.
The deck area outside the loungeroom door leading down to the road is an emergency exit – this area must be kept clear. This activity is a group effort.
Care must be taken when on the loading dock, snow and ice falls off the roof are highly likely.
The Weekly Club Captains are to familiarise themselves with any instructions for use of internal heating, microwaves, dishwasher, oven, recycling and waste disposal and the days for garbage collection.
Lounge room electric heaters operate on central thermostats. Individual heater control knobs should always be set at maximum. Heaters should not be turned off at power points under normal circumstances. Central thermostats (located on the wall in bottom lounge and on timber kitchen wall facing into dining room) should be set at around 22 or 23 degrees.
Members and guests are to self-assign a portion of the fridge/freezer and an area of the cupboard space. All members and guests are to abide by this requirement and to be respectful of sharing the space in a fair manner. Cupboard shelves and fridges/freezers are to be completely cleared before vacating the Lodge. Food is not to be left on the assumption that it will be used by incoming guests. However, left over unopened ”non- perishables” may be left in the community pantry cupboard if there is room.
Vacating time is strictly by 10.00 AM on day of departure. Arrival time is to be no earlier than 10.00 AM. All incoming luggage should be placed on the balcony or in the ski room until the lodge has been completely vacated by the previous guests. Luggage should not be placed so as to block entry/exits, stairways etc.
Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere inside the Lodge under any circumstances. If smoking outside, all doors should be closed so as smoke does not enter the lodge. Smoking is prohibited within 4 metres of any doorway.
All members and guests are to have consideration for fellow guests with regards to noise after dark, the bottom living room is ideal for those who would like a late night. HUS-SKI is a family Lodge and the consideration of others will ensure an enjoyable holiday by all.
All light and power should already be on during winter - if not, check circuit breakers in basement (basement trapdoor under stairs to beds 1 & 2). The gas hot water heater in the laundry should also be on – carefully follow the instructions on the heater as required. If a bedroom does not have hot water check that the hot water heaters in the bedrooms are turned on - switches are located in cupboards in bedrooms 2, 3 & 4. The hot water heater in bed #2 also services bedroom #1.